General conditions of sale and use


113 is a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 1000 euros, whose head office is located at 3 rue Jacques Louvel-Tessier, 75010 Paris, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 978566818, subject to VAT and referenced by the General Directorate of Public Finances under number FR25978566818 ("113").

113, operating under the trade name "Polare," is an expert company in assisting companies in their HR data. 

Article 1 - Definitions

  • Users: refers to individuals who visit the site
  • The Platform: refers to the website operated by Polare, accessible from the URL

Article 2 - Application and Enforceability of the Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply from the moment of any navigation on the site. They should be considered an integral and essential part of the contract between the Platform and the Users. These terms and conditions are also permanently available to any User on the site where they can be directly consulted.

Article 3 – Purpose and Qualification of the Intermediation Service Offered by Polare

These terms and conditions define the terms of use of the Platform and the conditions of the service provided by Polare.

3.1 The Platform provides Users with a people analytics service to optimize human resource management by structuring and analyzing HR data to improve strategic decision-making. To ensure the best possible connection between Users, Polare may search for job offers from recruiters as well as profiles of job-seeking candidates on the pages and/or accounts it holds on social networks (such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.).

3.2 Polare offers tools and services enabling:

  • The structuring and centralization of HR data.
  • The analysis of data for actionable insights.
  • The improvement of recruitment processes, talent retention, and performance management.

Article 4 – Access and Availability of the Platform

The User remains responsible for their computer equipment and internet connection, the costs of which are their responsibility. Access to the Platform can be achieved:

  • From a computer or equivalent device with access to one or more telecommunications networks allowing internet access and an internet browser (such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc.);
  • From a mobile device with access to a telecommunications network allowing internet access (3G, 4G, Edge, WiFi, etc.).

Polare makes its best efforts to keep the Platform accessible at all times, subject to maintenance operations or server issues.

Article 5 – Prices

The prices of products and services are indicated in euros, excluding taxes.

Article 6 – Protection of Personal Data

The User is informed that their registration on the Platform and the provision of various services offered by Polare on its Platform leads to the collection and automated processing of personal data concerning them by Polare as the data controller, whose use is subject to the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to Data Processing, Files, and Freedoms, as amended by Law No. 2016-1321 of October 7, 2016, and the European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, on data protection.

Article 7 – Intellectual Property Rights

The Platform, as well as the software, database structures, texts, documents, information, analyses, images, photographs, graphics, logos, sounds, or any other data, remain the exclusive property of Polare. Polare grants the User a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to consult the Platform and its original works and data for professional and personal use. Any other use of the Platform, particularly commercial, by the User is prohibited. The User is notably prohibited, in a non-exhaustive manner, from reproducing and/or representing, downloading, selling, distributing, issuing, translating, adapting, exploiting, distributing, broadcasting, and communicating all or part of any original work or data contained on the Platform for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

Article 8 – Hyperlinks

The Platform may include hyperlinks to other sites. Polare cannot be held responsible for the content, advertisements, products, and services available on or from these external sites or sources. The User acknowledges that Polare cannot be held responsible for any proven or alleged damage or loss, consecutive or related to the use or knowledge of the content, advertisements, products, or services available on these external sites or sources. If, despite Polare's efforts, a hyperlink present on the Platform points to a site or internet source whose content was or appears to be non-compliant with French law, the User agrees to immediately contact the publication director to communicate the address of the relevant pages on the Platform.

Article 9 – Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions are governed by and subject to French law. In the event of any dispute concerning these terms and conditions, the parties will seek an amicable solution; failing that, they submit to the jurisdiction of the Paris Commercial Court.

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